
The monster you were running from is the monster in you.

With over 60 paintings, this series tells the story of a teenager struggling with schizophrenia; turning him against his mother. As we follow his journey through the New York subway, we discover what led to the sudden disappearance of his mother.

Concept, Illustration, Photography | Edmund Liang
Mentors | Richard Keyes

The Playbook

I love creating tactile versions of projects. Bringing props from a fantasy world to life blurs the line between fiction and reality. For Alexxander, I made a playbook that looks like his water-damaged patient file, resembling an investigation document found under an open window during a rainstorm.

Inside, I hid numerous easter eggs like scripts, police evidence, diary entries, sketches, and over 60 paintings and photographs that mirror Alexxander’s deteriorating mental condition. As viewers flip through the book, they’ll notice the typesetting and layout becoming more chaotic, with pages changing color from grey to red, covered in stains and burn marks.

Making Of Playbook

I love binding books. The smell and feel of beeswax-coated thread being pulled through the pages is incredibly satisfying. And when all the pages are finally stitched together, there's a sense of fulfillment that I find nowhere else.

Playbook Content

Below is a glimpse into the 60+ illustrations created to bring Alexxander’s world to life.